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Liquid Palm Jaggery


The liquid jaggery is an intermediate product during evaporation of filtered palm juice during the process of making the solid jagerry.

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The liquid jaggery is an intermediate product during evaporation of filtered palm juice during the process of making the solid jagerry. 

Apart from being a good source of energy, it is a rich in iron, folate, calcium, magnesium and potassium, zinc, selenium and antioxidants, thus is a good immune booster and helps in managing several health conditions.

Compared to sugarcane jagerry, palm jagerry has lower GI Index, almost half of that of sugarcane jagerry. It is said to have insulin like components, managing diabetes and is also more effective in keeping cold and flu at bay.

The iron content increases the hemoglobin thus preventing anemia.

Regular consumption purifies blood, keeping one clean from within and disease free.

Every 10 g of jaggery, contains 16 mg of magnesium which is good to maintain blood pressure and keep the gut healthy.

Jaggery also keeps the stomach cool.

Consuming with sesame seeds keeps your respiratory system healthy and makes your bones strong.

Potassium in jagerry maintains the electrolyte balance, maintaining muscle mass and enhancing metabolism, thus maintaining weight.

Regular consumption also eases menstrual cramps.

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250 gm