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Ma-Pillai-Samba or “Bridegroom rice” is an indigenous variety paddy seed which has almost disappeared from the modern market. It is a native of Thiruvannamalai in Tamilnadu.

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Ma-Pillai-Samba or “Bridegroom rice” is an indigenous variety paddy seed that has almost disappeared from the modern market. It is a native of Thiruvannamalai in Tamilnadu.

It has plentiful of minerals, namely Fe, Zn, Mo, Cr, Mg, Mn, Co.

Regular eating of this rice transforms an impotent male to potent. But in general it can be consumed by everybody, both male and female.

Further it is useful to geriatric patients. Useful as food to those who are recovering from diseases. It’s starch ( jawa with its rawa) is useful to control higher sugar levels in diabetics, reason is due to presence of good amylose content. Above all it tastes good to eat.

Any indigenous paddy, if stored in paddy form for 9 months, makes the rice grain toothsome. It is not a matter whether the grain is thick or thin, slender / tiny, if any indigenous paddy is stored for 9 months its rice taste will be excellent, cooked rice will be non-sticky , appears dry but holds good water content.


  • Helps in fighting against cancer.
  • Helps to increase haemoglobin content in blood.
  • Good for diabetic people as this variety of rice will not increase glucose levels.
  • Helps to improve sexual activity.
  • A very good energy booster.

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1 kg